Michael J Lazell

Master Mind Mechanic




Mike has an actual nightclub in his estate in Vegas.

20,000 watts of sound, intelligent lighting system, club seating, state of the art Dj & Karaoke equipment, and yes, a stripper pole! (Hey it is Vegas)


The club has been the scene of several TV productions & music videos and lot’s of after parties with some  famous guests (Although he wouldn’t name names)

ABOVE -Music video filmed partially in Mike’s estate – starts @ 1:26 In the club scene and you can see him DJ’ing in the background @ 1:33

Mike has been a life long entrepreneur and has founded several companies.

One of which, with him being an avid gamer since childhood, GAMEAMERICA was started 21 yrs ago,  erecting LAN Centers in multiple states.

Mike has been a Paranormal Researcher since he was in his late teens

He and his wife Anna co host a show called EveryThingStrange.

One of Mike’s neighbors is ChumLee from Pawn Stars.

Dan Bilzerian’s 40,000 sq ft mansion is 2 doors down from Mike’s estate.

Dan Bilzerian is the Multi Millionaire Poker Player who has over 27 Million Instagram followers and has been called the new Hugh Hefner

When asked what it is like to live among the rich and famous. Mike told us laughing “My estate is not necessarily tiny by average standards but, here I have the smallest house on the block!”


Favorite Quote

“Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” ~ Seneca

Short biography

Mike was born in Indianapolis, Indiana in May of 1966. He started practicing Illusions at the age of 8 and performed at parties and dreamed of becoming either a professional magician or a veterinarian when he grew up.

In high school however when he was asked “What do you want to be after you graduate” he replied “As many things as I have time for in life!”

Mike became fascinated with investigating hypnosis after two of his long time interests crossed paths. At the age of 18, a business associate of one of his uncle’s was an Indianapolis police detective named Bob Snow. Mr Snow on a dare underwent a past life regression session and having no belief in hypnosis or past lives recounted some amazing information that over the course of several years he proved to be accurate even though he had no knowledge of the person involved.

That incident combined with Mike’s earlier learning of the life of prophet Edgar Cayce who after a visit to a hypnotist to cure a lost voice, developed an amazing subconscious ability to while in a trance diagnose ailments within people and provide the remedy. When Mr. Cayce was asked where the information came from he replied “The persons subconscious of course”

This ultimately steered Mike’s passion for learning and discovery to find out all he could about hypnosis and the human mind. After reading just one book on hypnosis, Mike went out and tried it on several people right away and was shocked to find out how quickly people would fall into a suggestive trance like state. Like most of us Mike said he thought that hypnosis was just some sort of trick or that people were just playing along like when he say shows at the fair growing up.

Little did he know then, those humble beginnings would take him on a 34 yr journey that continues to this day. Traveling all over the world, performing, speaking and most of all teaching people the wonders of the human mind and the many wondrous possibilities it holds for each and every one of us!

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