I suffered from panic attacks for over 20 years. 15 minutes with this man and now I can’t have one. I’ve tried! How is this even possible?

Shelbi Payne

If I hadn’t lived it, I wouldn’t believe it’s possible!

I know what you are thinking, this is some sort of hype or exaggerated story. I would have thought that also had it not happened to me.

My name is Shelbi, I was working on the Las Vegas Strip as a cocktail waitress at a venue where Mike (MR. Lazell) was performing. I guess from what people told me he had been there about 8 yrs or so when this occurred.

I had heard stories from several other co workers about some of the amazing things Mike was able to help people with from depression, stage fright, bad habits, to severe trauma & pain and anxiety. This peaked my interest as I have suffered severe panic attacks for a good portion of my life and I was only in my mid 30’s at the time I ran across Mike and his talents. Now I have to admit I have never really believed in Hypnosis like most and about the only real exposure I had ever had was seeing things on tv or at fair and things like that. Little did I know that what was about to happen to me wasn’t even hypnosis anyway according to Mike but, had everything to do with my mind.

So let’s fast forward to the day of my “treatment” and I laugh to call it that because it all happened in 15 min and while I was on break just standing at the end of the main bar literally having a conversation.

On that day, I was about to go on break and I saw and heard Mike at the end of the bar having a conversation with our bartender Alex and another co worker. He was discussing how her issue could be easily remedied with just a quick what he refereed to as a “pattern adjustment”. Now this really caught my attention and I am not sure to this day exactly why. So I start listening more intently and walked over and enter the conversation with a nod and smile and waited for my chance to ask if anything he does or has knowledge about my problem with panic attacks.

Quickly the other co worker got her answers and had agreed to contact Mike at a later time excited that he was willing to help her. I asked him at that point so how much do you charge? To which he replied with a big smile ” I don’t charge people I work with I just love to help. What seems to be troubling you?”

I started to ramble on and explain my long and horrible fight with my anxiety and how I had suffered from crippling panic attacks for years. He listened very quietly for a couple minutes and then all of the sudden stopped me with  ” May I just interrupt you right there?”  He then explained to me all about how I wasn’t broken at all and how simply my “fight or flight” response was activating in the wrong circumstances and that this was a pattern that could be rewritten quite quickly.

Now you have to understand, I was actually taken back a little. Here is this guy I have heard so much about and the amazing things he can help you do and he doesn’t want to listen to the last 20 yrs of my life. LOL.

I think he noticed my surprise and he quickly and with a big grin said ” Let me ask you this, do you want to be rid of this pattern?”

Well, DUH, I mean who wants to have panic attacks and be on medications just to be able to show up for work? My life wasn’t life as far as I was concerned.
So I said ” Well yeah, when would be a time we could get together for an appointment?”

Without a blink he simply started giving me instructions which started with “If you were to start having an attack where would you feel it coming on in your body? Your chest, your head and which way would it move if it got worse?”

I thought about it for a second and since I ALWAYS have a level of anxiety at all times which he actually asked me about next and I was surprised he would know that and asked for a number between 1 and 10 of how strongly it felt at the present moment. I answered a 4 and told him where it started and how it move and what direction if an attack was to happen. Funny I had never realized before that moment that I knew the answers to everything he was asking me almost instantly without thinking.

What happened from there was a rather quick series of me sticking out my hand and rotating it in a direction that I could feel the anxiety turning. Which until he brought it up I had never thought about but, now I could actually feel it rotating. Then he had me spin it alittle faster to my next number which was at that point a 5 and then one more to a 6 and asked me “Now what is happening to the anxiety?” To which he smiled and answered for me with a huge smile “It’s getting a little stronger right?”

He then laughed and said of course your mind and body know how to make it stronger because this is what happens every time you have an attack, it’s a pattern that your mind has recorded and simply plays back for you!”

With my finger and hand  still spinning and to my surprise spinning a little faster now than before automatically. Mike draws attention to the number 6 and my finger and says “So that is a 6 right? I nodded kinda laughing and said “Yes” and he said “Great let’s start to slow it down now” and counting with me 5…4…3…2..yes that’s right now 1 and then he said ” Now let that finger and had just come to a complete stop and notice what happens to your anxiety.”

It was like I could feel it, just sitting there inside my chest. Not turning but, just hovering I guess is how I would describe it.

Mike didn’t lose a beat he instructed me to start spinning my hand and finger in the opposite direction slowly at first and then faster and faster.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that he had asked me to visualize arrows going in the direction of my finger and hand and to make them red in color. “Big red arrows” he said. So now at the point my hand switched directions he tells me to see the arrows pointing the opposite direction and turn them blue. What happened next inside my chest amazes me to this day when I think back on it.

As I imagined the arrows changing direction and color and with Mike instructing me to go faster and faster now a 1….2…3…4 in the opposite direction. I felt a feeling in my chest as if all the pressure just released and that something went swooshing out of me and for the first time in years I felt a complete sense of relief for the lack of better words. Right about this point Mike was saying faster and faster and watch what happens and then all of the sudden….

Bam, he asks me “what’s the funniest thing you can ever remember happening?” ” A joke or circumstance that just made you laugh uncontrollably.” and snapped his fingers and instantly a scene popped in my head that made me burst out in laughter!

Wait a minute I thought, we are supposed to be handling anxiety and panic attacks and he has me laughing like crazy!

Then again, he snaps his fingers and says with authority “Ok, now give me the last 4 numbers of your social BACKWARDS!”

Which funny enough came out of my mouth before I could even think of saying “Where did that come from?”

He then pauses looks at me and says “There ya go, enjoy your new life”

Wait another minute. What just happened? I looked at him in kind of a daze and he simply asked “How do you feel right now, what’s the anxiety at give me a number?”

I responded with “0, it’s completely gone” which I almost couldn’t believe I was hearing myself saying because I had had a constant state of at least some anxiety for what seemed like a lifetime.

Stunned I asked “Well , I feel fine now but, will it come back?” To which he laughed and replied ” Do you want it back?” and I shook my head with an audible “hell no” he laughed again and said “Ok then, go enjoy yourself and let me know in a few days what you think?”

“You bet and thanks so much” I said, and again he smiled and said ” What for, your mind did all the work?”

I didn’t work that same shift for about 2 weeks and when I did I made a bee line for Mike and ran straight up to him and said with urgency “What the hell did you do to me?” He simply started laughing. I said ” You already know don’t you?” He just nodded knowingly and said “Welcome to the power of your own mind little lady!”

He didn’t bat an eye, he already knew what I was wondering. Here it was staring me in the face and I still couldn’t believe it.

I suffered from panic attacks for over 20 years. 15 minutes with this man and now I can’t have one. I’ve tried! How is this even possible?

It boggled my mind, I had been to specialists, literally spent thousands of dollars on tests and appointments only for them to tell me nothing is wrong with me!

Mike understood this instantly and replied “Because there is… was nothing wrong with you Shelbi, like I said before your weren’t broken. You simply had a natural response that was wired to the wrong pattern and was affecting your life.”

I wanted to learn more, all I could about how this could be possible and why it was not being done with people all over. Why did I have to spend thousands of dollars to be told nothing is wrong and then untimely by some lucky hand of fate in Las Vegas run across a man with knowledge that changed my whole life in 15 minutes. I wanted to help, I wanted people to know this was possible even if I didn’t fully understand how.

Mike told me “If you really want to repay me then simply write about your experience in your own words and I will post it on my site for others to read!”


Now you have it, my story of incredible change and fortune in the most unlikely of places and circumstances.

I know, hard to believe but, IT HAPPENED!


Shelbi Payne
